Mga Pahina

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What to write?

Now that I've transferred my multiply blog to another server and also painstakingly edited each entry, I am at a loss.

What would this blog be? What would be it's personality?

I hope I could arrive at something in the coming days. For the mean time, it's still a rant page like in multiply. :P

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

And We're Back!

Multiply announced that it will change it's services by December and remove the social networking side of the site. Most likely they would get the same overhaul Friendster had years ago.

As a way of thanking the millions of people who enjoyed its services, they provided avenues to safely transfer the files including pictures, blog posts, and many others.

This is one of them.

Out Of This World is now nothing.

Hope I could maintain this new blog.