Mga Pahina

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Power Nap, Power Play

Really got irritated today.

I was fortunate enough to have a three hour break. Though they were not consecutive breaks, I still enjoy the fact that after sometime, I would have one hour to do anything I want. I spend my first break eating lunch. The next was something that I really needed. I started at 8am so I was really drowsy by then, so I took a power nap. I informed my friends to wake me up before the end of my break. 

I plugged my ear phones and dozed off. I nearly dozed off until someone tapped me on the shoulder. I woke up startled and irritated, I haven't even been asleep for 10 minutes.  It was one of my colleagues and she was asking me to wake up to suggest things for supplies for the clinic. It was something that could actually wait. It wasn't really urgent and the moment I was already awake, she was already talking to one of our personnel and seemed to have given a fairly long list.

Aaargh! What the hell did she wake me up for?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Friendster revisited

Do you remember friendster? That's the forerunner of most social networks but now few people ever go there. Before the comments, the FBchat and the like button, there was the testimonials, the bulletin and, later on, the blog. Sadly though, myspace beat it 

Lately, I found myself revisiting my page. A lot has changed. The format tried to catch up with its many competitors including facebook, but somehow it couldn't. Yet it's still running. Maybe somewhere in this planet, there are still loyalists who visit and interact through their friendster account.

I visited the testimonials and melted. A lot of the testimonials disappeared probably because the users have been deleted when they transferred to facebook. Yet those that remain were still heart melters. Those testimonials were written way back 2005. Too bad it's gone, it somewhat tells you what people think of you. 

It made me wonder where are all those people? I hope and pray to God that they are well...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Be Lonely No More

I was browsing through my old posts on my friendster blog when I found this on one of the posts. Funny thing was I couldn't remember why I wrote this but it gave me the laughs. This was posted March 16, 2006. Whatever happened then, I didn't write it down, but I seemed to be so downcast maybe even emo.I think this is worth sharing though. so enjoy!

Flash. In one blink of an eye. I share a glimpse of humiliation. Just one vivid glance of a life that I would have to take for the next generations. And what did I do about it? Nothing. Like the advanced stutterer whose blocks catches him breathless and mimed, I became the immobile target of silence. As the running brooklet flowing stopped and froze at the sight of the cool breeze of winter, I became the same stillness, the same silence. And at the same time I became useless.

At this point, at this single moment among others, I felt as a lone tree on a hill. Pale, bare and vulnerable. Touched and agonized by the foul cold wind. The other trees mock me, where they should have grown alongside, they left me blissful.

Surmounting the obstacles alone, or rather left me with nothing to do. Most would have been greatful for having nothing to do, but for me it meant losing my self. Losing my credibility and status. It meant that I goofed. It meant that I had my chance but I blew it real time.

Maybe there really is time for change.

As the lone tree stands still on that hill, as the brooklet freezes and bows to the heavy blizzard, I know for a fact that they never cease to exist. The wind may howl but they would never extiguish that flicker of hope, of love and of God that has so kept both in a similar fate and made both stronger. As the brooklet that runs by and the tree that stands alone, I won’t cease to exist.

Maybe this is the reason for all the things that is happening to me.

Right at the exact moment, when little by little, I have learned to love and accept the path that I trod, I find myself alone and in despair. It seemed as though those that walked with me on this path has long since thought that I won’t be coming alone and would be better off leaving me to myself. But this time I would prove them wrong. This time I’d show them. I’d prove them. And this is why I had a second chance, a second shot to life. but this time I’ll be walking with those who went after me. But this time I’ll do better to make an impression. And I have GOd with me to do it…

See? Isn't it funny? I used lots of flowery words.Oh well...

Can't help but smile after reading my friendster blog posts since 2005... :))

Nangyari na ba yun sayo?

Yung pipindutin mo yung post sa gilid ng multiply, tapos nakatunganga ka lang at walang maisip?

Kung di pa, 

Pwes, eto na yun sa akin...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Back in High School, I used to imagine that what it would be like to have cable TV. I used to imagine what movies, cartoons or sports channels I'd watch if ever we had one. I thought that maybe someday if ever I got work, I will subscribe to any cable providers. 

Now that I have been working for a long time, I still didn't get that subscription. The thought played on my mind today, but I ended up smiling because nowadays, I don't even spend more than 15 minutes in front of the TV. So what's the point?

If you're not happy with your job, then quit. It's no reason for you to be arrogant to your customers.