Mga Pahina

Monday, June 8, 2009

Finding Forrester

Genre: Drama
After the long wait, I was able to finally get my own copy of this movie. I have watched this film several years back when I rented the copy at a local rental. When I tried to rent it again, the discs were beyond recognition so I tried to look if there's a copy somewhere else. Fortunately, I was able to find one.

The story is about Jamal Wallace (played by Rob Brown) and William Forrester (Sean Connery). Jamal is an intellectually gifted teenager who hides his own abilities and pretends to be the average student to fit in with his friends and his society. Things began to change for him when he was accepted into one of the most prestigious private schools. Still trying to blend in, he accepted a dare from his friends to break into their neighbor's recluse (Connery) and in the process befriending him. The man was actually William Forrester, a former Pulitzer Prize winner for his only published novel Avalon Landing. Forrester helps Jamal with his writing and in turn, Jamal helps Forrester by keeping the old man's presence a secret.

The plot takes a different turn, when Jamal was accused by a professor of plagiarism because he handed-in one of Forrester's essays written and published in a 1960 magazine. Later on, Forrester steps up to Jamal's defense and reads his letter of apology, thereby clearing Jamal from the charges and exposing the presence of Forrester to the public.

The movie was simple and very artistic void of the mind bending visual effects and breath taking sound track. It showed the life at its pace. What really captivated me was the fact that this film was made for writers and writers to be. It showed the true value of writing and exposing your feelings through the written word.

This film would really inspire you to write and write some more regardless of what you write about. Try to watch it.

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