Mga Pahina

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Four Days Worth

There are those rare moments when words would endlessly flow out of my mind. Most times those rare moments are never put on paper.

It was one of those days.

I was really eager to write a new post last Monday. A thought just struck me and my fingers are eager to scratch it on the keyboard or on paper. I knew that the moment I scrambled for paper, the thought would eventually pass away. So that leaves the keyboard.

Maybe, just maybe, I'm choosy when it comes to setting down my thoughts on the keyboard. I wanted it posted immediately. I wanted the world to see it even in its early stages. So what would you do at such a moment? Of course, open your blog.

I did.

But I just got pissed off that the thought suddenly burst. The same thing happened the next day, and the day after the next until now. I really don't know what happened but I cannot log in on my multiply for four days.

Now I completely forgot what I set out to write plus I had four days worth of ranting.


  1. Yeah, it happens. At the worst moments. Grabe. Kaya ako I prefer to make a copy sa Word or Notepad, but there are times that I can't be bothered. I just discovered the draft feature here, and I am very thankful for it. XD

  2. Yeah, I know of that, too. Kaso the problem with my multiply at that time was that it always shows the error message whenever I log in. I don't know what happened. I thought at first that the problem was with the computer. Thank God it wasn't the case.
