Mga Pahina

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

As the Music Fades

I stared at the smoke strewn sky as I walked down the street. It's bound to be long night tonight. Shops were already closing earlier than usual. Fire crackers could be heard from a mile off. Each boom of the triangular explosive, the earth shudders foretelling of the close of the year. It happens every year. Fire crackers they call it but it sounds more like dynamites capable of destroying the city.

I really don't get the point of these fire crackers. Is it a great way to face the new year? More like starting the year with chaos and more trash than the usual. But who am I to say anything? I'm just walking here.

I continued walking. Each step I take, I tried to recount all that has happened this year. From the funny first day of the year to the resumption of the internship months. Until now that I am considered a professional (whatever that means!).

I also recount the pitfalls, the obstacles, the pain, the trials and the temptations. They were hard. They were sorely troublesome. And yet, I find a stronger me each time I surpass them. Especially that as each time I try to squeeze my way out of it, a hand would always be willing to grab me out. And I find myself on the floor every time it happens. Kneeling. Praying.


A cracker just went off a few feet from me. It was followed by the sound of laughter. I thought of throwing a stone at them. One that would surely hit them in the face if not the eyes. But I thought better. How many times have stones been thrown at me without even fighting back? For this year, I say many times. Not just tiny stones but boulders.


Several more. And it came from where I was walking minutes ago. I reached our front door. I tried to breathe the last of the 2008 air. It was dirty and smells like gun powder. I just hope the new year would be better than the old. It should be. Especially when He is there.

So as the sound of the explosions drown the night away.

I'll just sleep it all away!